We've worked on trade effluent consultancy, water and wastewater projects in many industries. Here are four examples of where our services have helped clients.
Our client owns and operates a number of food manufacturing sites across the UK. We've carried out trade effluent audits at each site and designed effluent treatment plants for two of them.
Our client processed large quantities of meat to make products used by a wide range of manufacturers. We helped them to solve a tricky trade effluent problem and avoid unnecessary expenditure.
We've supported a UK-based chemical manufacturer for several years while they have developed options for upgrading their ageing effluent treatment plant as well as options for resource recovery.
We've worked with this client for five years helping them to design and specify a new package sewage plant for one site and manage wastewater discharge compliance at several other locations.
We have helped clients in many food industries, ranging from abattoirs to confectionery
Our work has taken us to bulk chemicals sites, oil refineries and speciality niche manufacturing operations
We've carried out trade effluent consultancy projects and water audits at several UK pharmaceuticals sites
Dealing with transient and variable footfall brings its own challenges. We've helped many hospitality clients, from motorway services to hotels
From rural microbreweries to global-scale operations, we have worked on brewery water and effluent projects throughout the UK.
Our clients have included manufacturers of everything from shampoo to speciality skin treatments
We've worked widely in NHS Trusts, from water audits in large hospitals to assessments of the effluent from NHS laundries
Our water auditing services have been used in premises ranging from schools to offices to care homes and sports stadia
Over the years we've carried out several projects for agricultural clients, particularly on rainwater harvesting and vegetable washing
Analysis of cooling water consumption (and optimisation) as well as treatment of spent cooling water are just two of our power generation past projects
Ports and their tenants can use vast quantities of water. We've worked on port-related projects including water efficiency studies and dust suppression
Our first ever project was in this sector, looking at effluent treatment options. We've also worked on landfill leachate treatment and the processing of recalcitrant effluent